Regarding college administration, the Governing Body takes the role in decision making. The Governing body consists of

  1. The Vice Chancellor
  2. The Registrar
  3. Principal(s)
  4. HoDs
  5. Hostel Wardens
  6. Non Teaching Staff Representative

Principal executes any academic and administrative plans and policies with the help of the following sub-committees:-

  1. IQAC Cell
  2. NAAC Committee
  3. Admission Committee
  4. Prospectus Committee
  5. Library Committee
  6. Examination Committee
  7. Research Committee
  8. Development Committee
  9. NSS
  10. Canteen Committee
  11. College Website Committee
  12. Women Grievances Cell
  13. Career Counselling Cell
  14. Day Child Care Centre
  15. Magazine Committee
  16. Publication Cell
  17. Games & Sports Committee
  18. Cultural & Literally Committee
  19. Excursion Sub- Committee
  20. Green Club
Prof. A. Nabachandra Singh

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